
Source code:


This code is an expanded density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) program, based on code written for a tutorial given originally at the 2013 summer school on quantum spin liquids, in Trieste, Italy. It implements DMRG its traditional formulation (i.e. without using matrix product states). DMRG is a numerical method that allows for the efficient simulation of quantum model Hamiltonians. Since it is a low-entanglement approximation, it often works quite well for one-dimensional systems, giving results that are nearly exact.

Typical implementations of DMRG in C++ or Fortran can be tens of thousands of lines long. Here, we have attempted to strike a balance between clear, simple code, and including many features and optimizations that would exist in a production code. One thing that helps with this is the use of Python. We have tried to write the code in a very explicit style, hoping that it will be (mostly) understandable to somebody new to Python.


Beyond the features already existing in simple-dmrg (infinite and finite system algorithms, conserved abelian quantum numbers, and eigenstate prediction), sophisticated-dmrg offers the following improvements:

  • pluggable models
  • choice between open or periodic boundary conditions
  • measurements (assumes operators on different sites commute)
  • site-dependent potential (e.g. to implement disorder)

Future features

Planned and potential features

  • use disk (not RAM) for persistent storage
  • efficient representation of the Hamiltonian (if easily possible in python)
  • time-dependent DMRG
  • custom Lanczos
  • fermions and fermionic Hubbard models
  • models for ladder systems
  • site-dependent hopping terms (e.g. to implement “hopping disorder”)

Highly unlikely future features

  • rewrite in terms of matrix product states
  • non-abelian symmetries (e.g. SU(2))


  • James R. Garrison (UCSB)
  • Ryan V. Mishmash (UCSB)

Licensed under the MIT license. If you plan to publish work based on this code, please contact us to find out how to cite us.
